Monday, March 22, 2010


I just found out that my college track and field team, Portland State University, is going to be in Palo Alto this weekend for the Stanford Invitational :)

Although a lot of my friends have graduated, there are still quite a few faces that I am very excited to see again. I'm looking forward to wearing my green and black proudly!

As usual, I know Westin Morrill will excel in the javelin throw. (Can't wait to see you again, Westin). Pictured here are a couple of my former teammates: Caressa Sims, Judith Burnett and I with our coach, Seth Hensen, at the NYC Armory Invitational in 2008.

I have my first group run for Team Challenge at 9:30, so I should be able to make it to the track around 11:30 or noon on Saturday and catch most of the events, as well as many of them on Friday too.

Not only has the thought of seeing my former team brought back many amazing memories, but it has also led me to think about how much I've grown within the past year since moving to Califormia from Portland. I think just about every category of my life has developed significantly since moving here. In terms of relationships, spiritually, physically (training for a half!), financially, etc. I'm very thankful that I can look on this past year and admit with confidence that I am proud that I made the tough decision to move away from everything I was comfortable and familiar with in Portland and pack up and move to California.

This should be a fun weekend ahead :)

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