Sunday, August 22, 2010

I know, I know.. Its been forever!

It has been wayyyy too long since I have last blogged. What can I say - life definitely happened. I have since ran my first half marathon, which went spectacularly. I beat my goal time by 13 minutes: I ran it in 2 hrs and 17 minutes and 1 second. I finished 27th out of 89 in my age group. Not too bad, if I do say so for myself.

I am committing to being a better blogger. I have a handful of blogs that I adore following, and I have a new goal of making my blog just as interesting and up-to-date. I know it sounds kind of silly, but I guess I need one more thing to keep myself more occupied?

I can hardly believe it is already the 22nd of August! What happened to summer? It went by so fast and before I know it, it will be fall. Crazy!

I have decided to become a mentor for Team Challenge Las Vegas :) Our kick off is this Thursday, Augsut 26th and our first training is this Saturday at Sports Basement Sunnyvale. I am really looking forward to being a mentor this time around - I already know a few people on my mentor team including Michelle (who joined me in Napa) and my "Flamingo" Mikey, and hopefully another girl I train at the YMCA, Dea, will join on Thursday as well. I am going to give my all to being the best mentor I can possibly be for them. What I would love to do is set up get-togethers twice a month so we can all bounce fundraising ideas off of eachother/set up mentor group fundraisers, etc. CANT WAIT!

Another update: I am newly single. My boyfriend and I broke up recently, so I have realized that my time must be occupied in other ways (to keep busy/not crazy). Some ways that I am finding to spend my time include: calling/reconnecting with old friends (and loving it!), planning trips to Portland/LA to visit the besties, running (duh! haha), reading my bible more and being sooo blessed because of it, watching sappy movies and now: blogging!
I'm actually doing better than I had anticipated with the breakup - I think we both knew it was the best for the both of us, and I am hoping that we can still be friends at some point. The hardest part of a breakup, for me, is being best friends with someone during the duration of your relationship - then cutting off all ties with them when you breakup. Sucks. I miss having someone to call "just because" all of the time, and not caring if they think you're obsessed with them because they are the exact same way. Yeah, I really miss that. I hear that just takes time...

Hmm.. What else? I have a job interview tomorrow for a Youth Program Director Position at the Bladium Sport and Fitness Club in Alameda. The funny thing is, I really wasn't looking for a new job, or expecting to get an interview so fast - so I've kind of just not even thought about it. I guess I should spend some time tonight thinking of possible interview questions that they might ask, and how I would respond to them. I have found that you really can never prepare enough for an interview so I will just do my best tomorrow. If I don't get the position, thats ok. I already have a great job that I love, this would just be the next step up in my career path. I will fill you in on how it goes tomorrow.

I am starting cardio insanity again tonight. I need to. Since running my half marathon I have put on a couple extra pounds that I really do not feel like keeping company with, so its time to up the cardio and weight training, and down the eating junk (dang it! haha). I will admit it, my eating habits have not been as great as I would like them to be. Time to change that as well. I am going to LA/San diego in a month and would love to be a few pounds lighter before then.

OK, cardio insanity time then healthy grocery shopping. The time is now!
Take care!